We are announcing the Oregon Lakes Association annual conference October 14 & 15, 2022, co-sponsored by the Nez Perce Department of Fisheries Resource Management. The conference will be held at Wallowa Lake Lodge (Joseph, OR) and will also include an on-line attendance option via Zoom.
For those of you planning to attend, please do not contact Wallowa Lake Lodge directly. We have rented the entire facility and they are asking us to manage room reservations. We will be sending a conference registration announcement within a few weeks, and that will include room reservations. The setting is superb, on the forested southern shore of Wallowa Lake.
Day 1 of the conference will be focused on Wallowa Lake and the sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts to the lake and its tributaries.
We are inviting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations for Day 2 of the conference. Presentations can address any lake, pond or reservoir related topic, but topics of particular interest include:
- water quality and harmful algal blooms
- ecological interactions
- effects of climate change
- lake and watershed restoration
- aquatic invasive species
- fisheries management
Standard oral presentations will be 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions and discussion. A live-stream option for oral presentations will be available and recordings of the presentations (with the author’s consent) will be posted online following the conference.
Submission Requirements:
Submit abstracts online using the Register button in the left column by August 31, 2022. You will be asked to provide your presentation title, author(s) noting any student authors, preference of an oral or poster presentation, and an abstract of 300 words/3,000 characters or less. Please indicate whether you expect to present in-person or on-line; this is for planning, and we will not need a commitment until time of registration.
All speakers/presenters are required to register for the conference. We will follow up in August with details for registration. We highly encourage those able to make the trip to Joseph and the Wallowas to stay at the lodge. OLA has rented the entire lodge, so there will be a registration package that includes meals (Friday breakfast through Saturday lunch) and lodging/accommodation (Thursday and Friday nights),estimated cost ~$200. The lodge is charming, as indicated by the pictures below.

Questions? Contact Theo Dreher