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Oregon Lakes Association

....a voice for quiet waters.

2021 Oregon Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Meeting

  • Monday, March 08, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online Virtual Meeting


  • Complimentary registration for OLA members

Registration is closed

2021 Oregon Cyanobacterial Harmful Algae Bloom Stakeholder Meeting

Sponsored by Oregon Lakes Association, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon State University

Monday, March 8, 2021 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Remote Zoom meeting via Oregon State University

This annual event is intended for everyone in Oregon who is interested in or involved with CyanoHAB occurring in the state. The program will report on the 2020 CyanoHAB bloom season, review policies and regulations and provide time for sharing of stakeholder experiences. Speakers will be from OHA, OR-DEQ, US-EPA and USFS.

The meeting will be a remote video conference offered through Oregon State University’s Zoom platform. Registration is free for Oregon Lakes Association members and $10 for non-members. After registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting including a URL link, phone number, and a password. To participate you can join by computer (video or audio) or telephone. You do not need to load Zoom onto your computer; you can connect with Polycom, Cisco, or other room system if you don’t want to use the Zoom access link.

This meeting is open to anyone interested in HABs, so feel free to alert colleagues or friends who may not have seen an invitation. 

AGENDA  (Download Printable Copy)

  • 9:00   Theo Dreher, Oregon State University & OLA President, Introduction/Welcome
  • 9:10   Rebecca Hillwig, OHA, 2020 CyanoHABs review, program updates and pilot projects

  • 9:30   Rochelle Labiosa, US-EPA Seattle office, US-EPA and support for CyanoHABs
  • 9:50   Gregg Baird, OHA, Cyanotoxin monitoring requirements for public water supply systems in OR 
  • 10:10   Alison Minerovic, DEQ , Oregon DEQ HABs monitoring: 2020 review and future outlook (Gregg and Alison coordinate)

  • 10:30   Al Johnson, US Forest Service, Forest Service HAB Monitoring and Policy    

  • 10:50   Aaron Borisenko, DEQ, Status of legislative action on CyanoHABs 

  • 11:10   Stakeholder experiences: 2020 bloom season and outlook for 2021

Open participation: reports from around the state

What HABs research projects are active in Oregon?

Have last year's wildfires affected your HABs plans or sampling?

    • 12:00  Adjourn

    ENQUIRIES TO: Dr. Theo Dreher, Department of Microbiology, OSU.

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