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Oregon Lakes Association

....a voice for quiet waters.

2020 Oregon Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Meeting

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Online Virtual Meeting


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2020 Oregon Cyanobacterial Harmful Algae Bloom Stakeholder Meeting

Sponsored by Oregon Lakes Association, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon State University

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Remote Zoom meeting via Oregon State University

Meeting Update

In view of the general disruption being caused by the changes forced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CyanoHABs Stakeholder Meeting will be a remote video conference offered through Oregon State University’s Zoom platform. To participate, you can join by computer (video or audio) or telephone. After registration, you will receive an email with a URL link and phone number, together with a password. You do not need to load Zoom onto your computer; you can connect with Polycom, Cisco, or other room system if you don’t want to use the Zoom access link. To join the meeting, register with Oregon Lakes Association, for which there’s a $10 fee.  Registrants will be sent log in credentials via email.

This meeting is open to anyone interested in HABs, so feel free to alert colleagues or friends who may not have seen an invitation. This is the continuation of the annual CyanoHAB Stakeholder meetings that have been held for about a decade. The morning session is in the format of those past meetings. In the afternoon, the meeting is centered around continuing the legislatively-oriented discussions that involved many stakeholders during 2019. The intention is to keep the momentum going in planning the type of improved state-wide program we’d like to see in Oregon, with a goal to see supportive legislation successfully implemented during the next full legislative session (2021).

AGENDA  (Download Printable Copy)

  • 10:00   Introduction/Welcome, Theo Dreher, Oregon State University & OLA President
PART 1: 2019 Bloom season Recap & Outlook for 2020 
  • 10:10   Rebecca Hillwig, OHA, 2019 CyanoHABs review, program updates and pilot projects

  • 10:35   Al Johnson, US Forest Service, Forest Service HAB Monitoring and Policy
  • 10:50   Gregg Baird, OHA, Cyanotoxin monitoring requirements for public water supply systems in OR

  • 11:05   Alison Minerovic, DEQ , Oregon DEQ HABs monitoring: 2019 review and future outlook

  • 11:25   Questions on talks so far

  • 11:35   Rochelle Labiosa, US-EPA Seattle office, US-EPA and support for CyanoHABs              

  • 11:55   Kurt Carpenter, USGS, Benthic sources of Cyanotoxins in Three Oregon Rivers Used for Municipal Drinking-Water Supply

  • 12:15   Lunch break

  • 1:00     Stakeholder experiences: 2019 bloom season and outlook for 2020

Open participation: reports from around the state

What HABs research projects are active in Oregon?

    2:00 PART 2: Continuing the CyanoHABs legislation discussion

    Recap of 2019 Work Group discussions:

    • 2:05   Aaron Borisenko, DEQ, Monitoring and Prediction

    • 2:20   Joel Cary, Tualatin Valley Water District, Prevention and Treatment

    • 2:35   Chris Wanner, City of Portland/Dwayne Barnes, City of Salem   Response and Mitigation

    • 2:50   Theo Dreher, HARRNESS decadal plan of  US National HAB Committee

    • 3:00   Misty Freeman/Patrick Brennan, OR Legislative Policy & Research Office, Oregon HABs compilation

    • 3:10   Rep. Ken Helm, House District 34, Chair, House Committee on Water, Vision for progress towards a more comprehensive HABs program in Oregon in context of 100-year Vision

    • 3:30   Theo Dreher presenting Meredith Howard (California Central Valley Regional Water Board) slides, Considering the continuum of blooms & their impact from freshwater through estuaries to coastal region

    • 3:45   Discussion on next steps. Proposal: Working through 2019 HB 3326 (Rep. Ken Helm) item-by-item as a starting point for a 2021 bill for HABs program support.

    • 4:30   Adjourn

    AUDIENCE:  This meeting is appropriate for policy makers, scientists, and natural resource managers.  Information shared and presented is generally programmatic.

    LOCATION: ONLINE ~ Virtual Meeting. Details for joining meeting will be provided upon registration.

    ENQUIRIES TO: Dr. Theo Dreher, Department of Microbiology, OSU.

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