Oregon Lakes Association
....a voice for quiet waters.
Call for Oral and Poster Presentations
2018 OLA/WALPA Joint Conference
harmful algal blooms mountain, dryland, and urban lakes aquatic plant management toxics such as lead and mercury effects of climate change on lakes invasive plant and animal species and community involvement.
Submit abstracts online by August 1, 2018 (extended to August 17, 2018). Include your presentation title, author(s) noting any student authors, preference of an oral or poster presentation, and an abstract of 300 words/3,000 characters or less. Oral presentations will be up to 20 minutes depending on the session. Please note that presenters must register for the conference. Rates range from $25 to $175 based on membership status (e.g. Student to Non-Member, early to regular registration).
If you have any questions, please contact Theo Dreher, OLA Program Chair, or Jim Gawel, WALPA Program Chair.