Oregon Lakes Association
2015 Conference
Theme: Klamath Lake: Local Perspectives - Lessons for Oregon's Lakes
Please join us at the 2015 Oregon Lakes Association’s annual conference scheduled for October 2nd-4th at the Klamath Yacht Club in Klamath Falls. The theme of this year’s conference is “Klamath Lake Perspectives: Lesson for Oregon’s Lakes”. Although the focus of the conference is on Klamath Lake and its watershed, other lake related topics will be covered including harmful algal blooms, invasive species, and lake management.
Sponsorship opportunities available! Get a booth, registration fees for one attendee, and bonus advertising packages through Lake Wise our newsletter!

Agenda (Printer Friendly)
Program (Printer Friendly)
Friday October 2nd
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Panel discussion centered on the Klamath Basin resource management issues highlighted in the documentary film “A River Between Us”. The panel will be moderated by Chrysten Lambert, Director of Oregon Water Project for Trout Unlimited, and will include panelists discussing water resources, fisheries, tribal, and landowner perspectives.
Saturday October 3rd
7:00 – 8:00 am. Conference registration
8:00 – 8:10 am. Conference welcome, Steve Wille, Oregon Lakes Association President Emeritus
8:00 – 9:00 am. Plenary presentation, Dr. Dennis D. Lynch, Associate Regional Director for the USGS NW Region and Program Manager for the Klamath Dam Removal Secretarial Determination
9:00 - 10:00 am. Session 1: Phytoplankton Ecology
10:00 - 10:30 am. Scholarship Announcement
10:05-10:30 am. Poster and Information Booth Break
10:30 – 11:50 am. Session 2: Algal Biology
11:50 – 1:20 pm. Lunch Break
1:05 - 1:20 pm. OLA Membership Meeting
1:20 – 3:00 pm. Session 3: General Lake Topics
3:00 – 3:10 pm. Break
3:10 – 4:50 pm. Session 4: Lake Management
5:00 – 6:00 pm. Break
6:00 – 8:00 pm. Dinner and a Movie: “A River Between Us” (Optional add-on)
Sunday October 4th (Optional Add-on)
9:00 am – noon. Guided canoe tour of the Upper Klamath Canoe Trail. Rental spots in shared tandem/triple canoes available, or Bring Your Own Vessel. Rental spots limited to a maximum of 24 spots, and must register before September 15th to guarantee availability. Transportation to/from Rocky Point Resort not included.
About the Friday night panel discussion members: The panel will be moderated by Chrysten Lambert, Director of the Oregon Water Project for Trout Unlimited. Panelists include, Kathy Hill, Jared Bottcher, and Dennis Lynch.
About A River Between Us, a film by Jeff Martin and Jason A. Atkinson: “A River Between Us isn’t simply a feature documentary, it’s a cinematic call to action on behalf of the largest restoration project in American history. And by restoration, the film’s first priority is people-restoring and rebuilding relationships amongst the vast communities living throughout the Klamath River basin, and hopefully, far beyond its borders. Because ultimately, A River Between Us isn’t about fish or water rights or even a forty-year water war, it’s about the harm people do to each other, and by extension, the damage people have done to one of this country’s greatest wild rivers.” www.ariverbetweenus.com
About the Saturday plenary speaker: Dennis Lynch has worked as a hydrologist for the USGS for over 30 years in Richmond, VA, and Portland, OR. Dennis is currently an Associate Regional Director for the USGS NW Region and has also been Program Manager for the Klamath Dam Removal Secretarial Determination since 2009. As Klamath Program Manager he oversaw the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this Determination along with 50 new Federal studies to develop a plan for dam removal and to determine the potential effects of dam removal on the environment and local communities. Prior to this, Dennis was the Director of the USGS Oregon Water Science Center from 1993 to 2009, overseeing preparation of scientific studies on hydrology, including water quality, ground-water, and surface water. Over his 30 plus years with the USGS, Dennis' areas of scientific research have included: (1) quantifying the effects of acid deposition in Shenandoah National Park, VA; (2) assessing the loads and impacts of nutrients and pesticides entering the Chesapeake Bay; (3) modeling nutrient and flow management actions on the water quality and biota in the Tualatin River, OR; and (4) determining the status and trends of water quality in Upper Klamath Lake, OR, with an emphasis on internal loading of nutrients to the lake.
If you have any questions, please contact Rich Miller, the OLA Program Chair, at richm@pdx.edu or 503 725-9075.