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Oregon Lakes Association

....a voice for quiet waters.

Ron Larson


Member profile details

Membership level
2) Individual
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Personal information

Job title
Retired from US Fish and Wildlife Service
Ron has always loved being in and around water and therefore it’s natural that he likes lakes. Having grown up along the Oregon coast, Ron wanted to be a marine biologist. After completing a PhD in marine sciences in Canada, Ron did a post-doc in Florida, where he used submersibles to study deep-sea animals. Later, Ron took a job with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Georgia, then Mississippi, and finally in Klamath Falls, where he retired in 2014. His work with the USFWS focused on water development and endangered species, work that was both challenging and interesting, but his real love was to be out on or in the water, and retirement provides that opportunity. Ron’s current interests are the lakes in southcentral Oregon, especially Lake Abert and the smaller ephemeral lakes that dot the landscape in Lake and Harney Counties. The ecology of these small lakes is nearly unstudied, so they provide a good excuse for Ron to experience the beautiful Basin and Range landscape of southcentral Oregon. He hopes that his position on the OLA board will bring more attention to lakes in that part of the state.
OLA affiliation

Contact Details

6527 Climax Ave
City, State Zip
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

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